Specialising in community engagement and communication to inform and add value
EIS and EES engagement for State Significant Developments
Community and stakeholder engagement to achieve or exceed Local, State and Commonwealth compliance requirements
Collaboration across technical teams to achieve consistency and de-risk projects
Experienced in understanding and meeting the guidelines and aspirations of peak bodies
IAP2 accredited
Politically sensitive key stakeholder meetings to discuss and agree ‘the way forward’
Community workshops and forums, including opt-in, targeted and impacted by community activism
Online, in-person or a combination of both
Carefully designed to collect and interrogate the data you need to progress your project
Strategy and considered advice
Critical thinking to support Tender teams and
Experienced support to de-risk your project
In-house, remote or hybrid working arrangements to suit your needs
Community and Stakeholder Engagement Plans and Action Schedules
Robust, accurate and tailored to your needs
Agile to meet the needs of a dynamic planning environment
Delivered with your budget in mind
On-ground engagement - when and where you need it
Logistics and support for your community meetings
Landowner engagement
Collateral development and design to meet the needs of your unique community
Outreach activities, including:
Pop ups
Community information sessions
Focus groups and workshops
Door knocks
Robust report development
Plain English
Engaging, concise and clear
Purposefully written with the reader in mind
Working across
• renewable energies • traffic and transport • community resilience planning and recovery engagement • mining and gas • urban development and transformation • education • environment • policy development • culture change